哈趣影视 > 电影 > 青鸟
青鸟 下载哈趣影视


国家/地区: 荷兰

导演: Mijke,de,Jong

主演: Elske,Rotteveel,Kees,Scholten,Elsie,de,Brauw



Merel is a bright, kind-hearted girl with a loving family and plenty to offer. If it weren t for the unwanted attention of her bullying peers, life would be good. One consequence of the endless taunting at school is that Merel begins to feel physically inadequate and starts performing minor acts of rebellion. The only person who shows her any kindness is the man who she talks to on the train each day. The pressure of life at school combined with the added stress of her brother being sent away is the final straw for Merel, and soon she begins to rebel against everything that she had previously stood for. She pierces herself, steals make-up and disregards her schoolwork, but no matter how hard she tries, neither her parents nor teachers notice how much she is suffering. The unanswered question for Merel is how far does a 13-year-old go to gain acceptance? Bluebird is a beautifully made tale about a talented girl who is forced by outside pressures to rethink her way of life. It is a small but outstanding film that deserves to be seen by the widest possible audience.

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《闪电侠》曝“神速小闪”制作特辑 新手超英全力拯救幕后大揭秘

