哈趣影视 > 电影 > 日子与云彩
日子与云彩 下载哈趣影视

类型: 剧情,

国家/地区: 瑞士

导演: Silvio Soldini

主演: Margherita Buy,Antonio Albanese,Giuseppe Battiston




Elsa is an aspiring art historian who has returned to school to get her degree; she passes much of her time engrossed in a delicate restoration project. As she gently scrapes away at the ceiling of an ancient chapel, long-hidden angels gradually surface into the light of day. Much to her surprise, another form of reality also emerges from the shadows to cast a very different kind of light into her life. Elsa’s husband, Michele, a well-heeled partner in a shipping firm, abruptly informs her that they have to sell their beautiful apartment. He has been forced out of the company by his partner. Little quarrels soon erupt over money... Both of them set out to find work in response to the upheaval, but inevitably husband and wife react to their new circumstances in quite different ways. Michele can’t find a job, while Elsa did. They live on Elsa’s money and that is not enough. When they move into a smaller and cheaper apartment, the schisms in their marriage begin to show.

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