哈趣影视 > 电影 > 汤姆叔叔的小屋
汤姆叔叔的小屋 下载哈趣影视

类型: 惊悚,剧情,

国家/地区: 法国

导演: Géza von Radványi

主演: John Kitzmiller,Herbert Lom



Although well known in the whole world Uncle Tom s cabin has never been the subject of a major American motion picture.It s easy to see why;the paternalistic side of this mammoth novel has grown unbearable to some:who among the most famous black actors would accept a yessir part?It s easily understood,even if Hattie MacDaniell received a colored actor s first AA, for just that kind of role.(Gone with the wind) So this big budget European movie.Like the precedent user,I saw this production a long long long time ago,but I ve got a vivid memory of it. It s interesting to note that the director,Geza Radvanyi, made one masterpiece Valahol Europa ban (somewhere in Europa) and after soon degenerated into what the German critics call films limonades (mushy movies). Uncle Tom s Cabin is more an European movie than a German one:Italian actors(Eleonora Rossi-Drago) meet German (Herbert Lom) or French ones (Juliette Greco,Mylène Demongeot)ones. Mrs Beecher -Stowe would be turning in her grave if she saw some of the scenarists adaptations :On the boat,there s a steamy (for the time) scene between Legree and Cassy.Exit chaste old cousin Ophelia,and make way for a vivacious gorgeous young Harriet.Besides,the deadly serious M.Saint-Clare goes to see a hostess in a bar .(Juliette Greco).The end of the movie becomes epic,as the slaves rise up against their owners . On the plus side:beautiful Negro spîrituals during the Mississipi shots and a nice Evangeline Saint-Clare played by Gertraud Mittermayer.However,it s doubtful that this movie should be reissued some day.

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《闪电侠》曝“神速小闪”制作特辑 新手超英全力拯救幕后大揭秘

