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莫里哀 下载哈趣影视

类型: 传记,剧情

国家/地区: 法国

导演: 亚莉安·莫努虚金

主演: 菲利普·科贝尔,玛丽-佛朗索瓦·奥多伦,Jonathan Sutton



莫里哀——法国著名剧作家,以写喜剧为主,是十七世纪中叶古典主义喜剧的创建者。年轻的莫里哀与朋友合作,共同经营了一家剧院,开始了自己热爱的戏剧生涯。1644年,剧院倒闭并且负债累累,年轻的莫里哀无法偿还如此巨大的债务,家里由于一开始就不喜欢他从事戏剧这样“下贱”的行业而不支持他。这样,他进了监狱。一年后,22岁的他从监狱中被释放了,却没有人知道他去了哪里。十三年后,即1968年,35岁的莫里哀重返巴黎,期间他去了很多的地方演戏,写了很多剧本,在他热爱的事业上,已经取得了成功。世人很难想象在这十三年中,这个伟大的法国剧作家的生活是怎样的。有的史学家却称,在这十三个月中,有人曾发现了他的踪影。 Who was Moliere? He is known everywhere as one of the world s greatest playwrights. But who was he? Born Jean-Baptiste Poquelin in 1622, the son of a prosperous tapestry maker. His mother died when he was a boy. Growing up in the teeming streets of 17th century Paris, Jean Baptiste received a good Jesuit education and was fascinated by the street fairs and traveling carnivals that flourished in spite of the religious repression and hypocrisy of those cruel times. As a young man he joined the theatrical Bejart family to establish the Illustre-Theatre, which soon went bankrupt. The troupe reformed, found patronage, and went on the road for thirteen years, performing all over France. Poquelin developed his stagecraft adapting Commedia dell Arte plots to please brutalized peasants and cynical townspeople. He also married Madeline Bejart, the widowed daughter of the troupe s founder. Later he entered into a love affair with Mme Bejart s daughter, to the dismay of all. The troupe eventually returned to Paris and, on October 24, 1658, greatly impressed the 20-year old King Louis XIV, later to be called the Sun King. Moliere s life became bound up with the magnificent court at Versailles, and with its intrigues. He wrote, staged and acted in the plays now famous all over the world. He fought with his enemies and his friends, enjoyed success followed by failure, organized court festivities and defended himself against increasingly fanatic religious authorities. Above all, his theater was taken from life as his life was theatrical.

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