哈趣影视 > 电影 > 哈啦夏令营
哈啦夏令营 下载哈趣影视

类型: 爱情,喜剧,

国家/地区: 美国

导演: 大卫·韦恩

主演: 詹尼安·吉劳法罗,大卫·海德·皮尔斯,迈克尔·修华特,玛格丽特·莫罗



丰富而有趣,像夏天来的一场雪, 哈啦夏令营是一部典型的美国80年代青少年喜剧。 故事发生在1981季Firewood夏令营的最后一天,也是每个人在其中的最后的寻求浪漫,自我实现,表现自我的机会。 整部影片充满喜剧意味;但决不是搞笑那么简单,是一部值的看第二遍的影片: 出生于1965 到1980年的人应该会喜欢。很难得的老片,有很多的大牌都在里面,我叫不出的就忽略了,我认识的还有好多~~ This movie is not funny. It s Friggin HILARIOUS. The first time I watched it was during the winter and I laughed a few times, but remembering the motorcycle chase scene, I gave it another run and was blown away. I haven t laughed so hard since the second time I saw The Big Lebowski and I ended up buying my own copy. What is it about Summer Camp movies? Is it nostalgia or what? I m really not sure. I ve always had a weakness for them, but this tops all. Ironically, it s a parody of nearly every Summer Camp movie out there and it covers many, MANY other topics that I m just too lazy to ruin for you. It s also better than just about any other Summer Camp movie out there, and despite all the absurdity going on, it actually does a good job of catching that feeling of being at camp. There s not much more I can say about this one without ruining most of the jokes, but I can say that if you want a comedy that s actually funny, then don t rent this. BUY IT. Watch it at least once a month for the rest of your life (once a week during the Summer) and encourage your friends to do the same. This is why the term instant classic was invented.

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