哈趣影视 > 电影 > 里昂号
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类型: 剧情,

国家/地区: 阿根廷

导演: Santiago Otheguy

主演: Jorge Román,Daniel Valenzuela,José Muñoz



男同片,黑白片,独立片,走的是小津路线,对白很少,镜头移动缓慢,安静的节奏,获柏林电影节泰迪奖。如果喜欢这种风格的话,可推荐看看另一位阿根廷新锐导演Lisandro Alonso的作品,尤其是《自由》(2001)。MY RATING 4/5 官网:http://musicboxfilms.com/laleon/ Set on a remote island in northeastern Argentina, this artfully shot debut feature simmers with sexual tension. Alvaro is a quiet man who repairs books and harvests reeds. Doubly isolated by his remote home and his homosexuality, he lives simply and doesn t talk much, resorting to hook-ups with outsiders for release. On the more garrulous side of the spectrum is Turu, who pilots the water taxi nicknamed La León because of the sound its engine makes chugging up the river. Turu fancies himself a community leader of sorts because his boat ferries the local population whenever they need to go to town. He s also a loudmouth and a brute, ranting against missionaries, immigrants from Paraguay who ve come to work, and Alvaro for being gay. Like most bigots, the captain has some unresolved issues and is alternately fascinated and repelled by the handsome man he transports. To frame the story, Otheguy employs a wonderfully textured black-and-white cinematography with the jungle at center stage. Whether providing Alvaro with cover for a nighttime tryst or drowning out the noise of a more brutal encounter with its own natural clamor, the environment is a keen, impartial observer of the human drama unfolding in its midst. Placed among other recent noteworthy examples of Latin American art cinema including Los Muertos and A Thousand Clouds of Peace, La León heralds the arrival of a new cinematic talent.

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