哈趣影视 > 电影 > 午夜流浪汉
午夜流浪汉 下载哈趣影视

类型: 历史,古装,剧情

国家/地区: 英国

导演: Jamie Thraves

主演: 艾丹·吉伦,汤姆·费舍尔,Riann Steele,Cristina Catalina




Tom is forty. He walks out one day, rather abruptly, on his wife and baby boy and his seemingly happy life. He finds himself living on the streets of London. One night alone in a park he is mistaken for a gay man and is set upon by a gang of violent thugs.In A&E the next day Tom meets Aidan, the happiest, fast-talking individual you are ever likely to meet, the complete opposite of Tom. Too polite, or too weak to ask him to leave him alone Tom tries to get away from this child-like man but with little joy, Aidan sticks to Tom like glue.Tom reluctantly becomes involved in Aidans life and he quickly realizes that Aidan has problems too. Aidans girlfriend Linda verbally and physically abuses him on a regular basis. Will Tom overcome his own problems in order to help his new friend? Will Tom ever make it back home - and why exactly did Tom leave home in the first place?

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《闪电侠》曝“神速小闪”制作特辑 新手超英全力拯救幕后大揭秘

