哈趣影视 > 电影 > 梦的味道蒙德维地亚见
梦的味道蒙德维地亚见 下载哈趣影视

类型: 历史,古装,冒险,剧情,

国家/地区: 香港

导演: 德拉根·比约罗格力奇

主演: Milos Bikovic,Petar Strugar




The second part of the film tells the fascinating tale how the Yugoslavian football team took part in the 1st official World Cup in Montevideo, in 1930. Inspired by true events, this is a story about the historical success of a nation, a milestone in sports and the sequel to the first part that depicted circumstances that preceded the Mundial itself. The football saga continues in Uruguay’s capital where after a tiresome three-week journey over the Atlantic, the first-ever national team of the then Kingdom of Yugoslavia finds itself among strong participants of the First World Championship. The team from a small Balkan country, a team that no one believes, draws as an opponent the championship’s predicted winner, the even then famous national team of Brazil. Lead by determination, vision and solidarity, Tirke, Mo?a, Milutinac, Jak?a and the rest of the boys from the team, thanks to their talent and perseverance, with youthful enthusiasm, enter the international sport arena through the front gates. The news that spiraled worldwide at the speed of sound was that the national team of Yugoslavia won 3rd place at the first World Cup!

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