哈趣影视 > 电影 > 莎乐美
莎乐美 下载哈趣影视


国家/地区: 意大利

导演: 卡尔梅洛·贝内

主演: 卡尔梅洛·贝内,Lydia,Mancinelli,Alfiero,Vincenti,Donyale,Luna



There have been many films of the play Salome , but none of them are anything like Carmelo Bene s version. The film is so bright, colorful and strange; it will make your head spin. The intro of the film contains a cartoon camel jumping through a loop, women getting spanked with feather paddles, a man slicing a watermelon with a machete and a women with beaded jewelry emerging from the water. Unfortunately, the only copy I could find didn t have subtitles. I really didn t need to understand the dialog to enjoy the strange and weird images. It s as if someone filmed Fellini Satyricon on a fixed budget, cut it into pieces, rearranged it and laced it with LSD style editing. That s why it is so darn entertaining. I first learned about Italian director Carmelo Bene from the book Film as a Subversive Art by Amos Vogel. This book changed the way I view films. I go out of my way to find surreal films like Salome . It is strange, experimental and quite an experience. Don t watch this film on drugs, because the film is a drug in itself. A startling head trip of a film.

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