哈趣影视 > 电影 > 平凡一家亲
平凡一家亲 下载哈趣影视

类型: 剧情,喜剧,

国家/地区: 美国

导演: Mike Akel

主演: Troy Schremmer,格雷·怀斯,Janelle Schremmer,Chad Anthony Miller



Seth grew up in Texas with a sister and a brother as part of a close, conservative religious family. Upon reaching adulthood he moved to Chicago to meet up with William whom he’d formed a relationship with after meeting online. After Seth’s gruff father dies, he decides it’s now safe to merge his two worlds and bring William home to meet the rest of his family, which by now includes various nieces and nephews. Approaching the front door, Seth admits to William that he hadn’t got around to telling his family that William would be coming. For all they know he’s single and waiting for the right girl to come along. What follows is right up there with one of the most awkward family dinners ever, as Seth’s Minister brother Thomas struggles to accept his news, Thomas’s wife tries in vain to smooth things over, and his sister Sharon’s husband becomes irrationally terrified that William will make a move on him. With subtle and nuanced performances by the ensemble cast, a good dash of humour and some pathos thrown in, An Ordinary Family reminds us that family bonds can be complex and powerful and that there is really no such thing as an ordinary family. (LD)

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《闪电侠》曝“神速小闪”制作特辑 新手超英全力拯救幕后大揭秘

