哈趣影视 > 电影 > 遗产大战
遗产大战 下载哈趣影视

类型: 惊悚,剧情,

国家/地区: 意大利

导演: Gianfranco Albano

主演: 莫妮卡·贝鲁奇,安杰拉·菲诺基亚罗,阿曼多·弗兰西欧利,玛琳娜·伯蒂



英文简短剧情: Carolina Rambaldi isn t fulfilled by her three children: Marcello, a lazy do-nothing, Lucrezia, a bossy type who produces a TV show, and Cesare, homosexual and malicious, who s a sociologist. When she writes her will, Carolina leaves her property to the one child who s married and had a child in the past year and a half. Cesare and Lucrezia are furious with her demands, since they re incapable of meeting them. Marcello, on the other hand, marries a dangerous killer called Marina. Marina gets pregnant right away but unfortunately has a miscarriage. She discovers that there s a clinic in Germany that specializes in embryo transplants for sterile women. She convinces her twin sister Angela to take her place while she flies to Germany to have the operation. But Cesare finds out about her plan and causes an explosion on the airplane Marina is travelling on. So Angela goes to Germany to have the transplant that Marina was scheduled for. 中文剧情: 一对双胞胎姐妹为了争夺遗产明争暗斗,她们与恋人的关系也发生了微妙的变化,难道为了金钱,就可以放弃爱情吗?她们最终的选择是什么?她们用尽了所有的手段,甚至是自己的身体。

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