哈趣影视 > 综艺 > GreatDanceCrewS2
GreatDanceCrewS2 下载哈趣影视

类型: ,真人秀,舞蹈,竞技

国家/地区: 中国





  • YOUKU优酷

Great Dance Crew S2 still focuses on routine dance, promoting new generations of YOUKU Street Dance Universe. In this season, six leaders will cooperate with top dance crews in China and form temporary dance crews respectively. With a shared fate, the temporary dance crews will choreograph routine dances of different styles and fight for the championship of Best Dance Crew of the Year through battles. The slogan of this season is Together, To Be The One . There are regrets beyond the deficiency of courage and some wishes that cannot be fulfilled alone. Behind the limelight are souls who cannot express themselves due to their statuses, concealed passion for dance, performances that dancers cannot take credit for, or even worse, the loss of chances to get on stage... Both well-known Chinese street dancers and dance crews of the new generation are longing to step out of their comfort zone and embrace the future of more possibilities. This is a new season for passionate dancers to join hands, pursue their dreams without giving up, and fight for the glory of their dance crews. In this season, they ll stay true to themselves or find themselves again. They ll find their best partners and strive to become the best!

影视资讯 查看更多
《闪电侠》曝“神速小闪”制作特辑 新手超英全力拯救幕后大揭秘

