哈趣影视 > 动漫 > Dreamswapreactstotheoriginalmultiverse
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转自https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQIgRFUmWAA —————————————— 这里是米粒!翻墙了许久终于是开始了我的无授权(划)搬运生涯~(想看什么可以在评论区戳咱,我会尽量找资源der 无盈利,仅供不能翻墙的小可爱们娱乐、!希望能翻墙的大家多多支持原作者八~QWQ 请亲们好好享受视频八~!(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~ (由于up用的是电脑,实在不知道怎么开合集,所以……就直接分开发惹QAQ ———————————————— 原作者: German pancake 原标题: Dreamswap reacts to the original multiverse|| GLRV (Gacha life reaction video) Undertale au 原简介: Just to clear up any confusions people might have. Here are some explanations for the character’s behaviors. Just for the sake of the plot, Ink doesn’t have a break down while being in the same room as Dream and Nightmare, but rather it magnifies his emotions. Dream is acting less like a butt in this because he is with Ink. In some of Kai’s stories it is mentioned that when Dream is around Ink, he is calmer and happier. Ink also tends to feel similar emotions as Dream because his aura affects him so much. Notice how Dream and Ink’s expressions change almost at the same time. Cross doesn’t really feel bad when any of the shattered Dream memes are on because he is the only one who truly hates Dream. He only feels bad once Nightmare starts to get upset. Monster meme (Mortal)- https://youtu.be/EsIM-iOmiMI I am a man meme (MakiCute)- https://youtu.be/_shqpcreE5Y T Two tool meme (I cant write their name)- https://youtu.be/XUo1H3UTkiA Hypnotic meme (chinqq)- https://youtu.be/_nTyK34mKHA Bad girls meme (black coffee)- https://youtu.be/ab6frbSyGI8 Smile meme (Maия Fox)-https://youtu.be/TAiAIA3LccU Bye Lena problems meme (Ichicka)- https://youtu.be/E9BddBbfmGg Echo meme (Kxalbra)- https://youtu.be/0df5Jo7MSSE Teddy bear meme (Zora Moyashi)- https://youtu.be/dNvZxUosQgw

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