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独立唱片店的兴衰重生史 下载哈趣影视

类型: 历史,古装

国家/地区: 英国

导演: Pip Piper




纪录片聚焦英国独立唱片店的辉煌历史、兴盛后的快速衰退以及近年来奇迹般的重生。从古董老店到新铺开张,从行业领导到媒体编辑,从摇滚明星到店主导购,《Last Shop Standing》收集音乐产业中的每个要素,讲述过往几十年独立唱片店的精彩故事,更集中烘托出现今经济危机、数字下载与信息爆炸的大时代大背景下,一间间独立唱片店聚集音乐爱好者和音乐家、扶持当地独立音乐文化发展而独有的珍贵价值和深厚情谊。 The Smiths乐队吉他大师Johnny Marr,The Jam乐队主唱兼吉他手、著名唱作人Paul Weller,英伦名团Longpigs吉他手、著名唱作人Richard Hawley,英国摇滚名家Billy Bragg,英摇名团Curve、Echobelly成员Debbie Smith、英国著名DJ制作人Fatboy Slim(Norman Cook)等熟脸均在唱片架旁亲自开讲:无论是被父母说成为荒废余生,还是创作灵感全无的午后,抑或是每周六早晨空空的钱包,唱片店总是这些回忆最好的发生地。下周一可能还要麻烦您跑到两个街区外的唱片店才能购得《Last Shop Standing》,也因为此片,独立唱片店们变得更加伟大。 Last Shop Standing inspired by the book of the same name by Graham Jones takes you behind the counter to discover why nearly 2000 record shops have already disappeared across the UK. The film charts the rapid rise of record shops in the 1960′s, 70′s and 80′s, the influence of the chart, the underhand deals, the demise of vinyl and rise of the CD as well as new technologies. Where did it all go wrong? Why were 3 shops a week closing? Will we be left with no record shops with the continuing rise of downloading? Hear from over 20 record shop owners and music industry leaders as well as musicians including Paul Weller, Johnny Marr, Norman Cook, Billy Bragg, Nerina Pallot, Richard Hawley and Clint Boon as they all tell us how the shops became and still are a part of their own musical education, a place to cherish and discover new bands and new music.

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