类型: 惊悚,剧情,
导演: Bruce La Bruce
主演: Steve Masters,Eden Miller,Slava Mogutin,Ralph Steel
简介:Skin Gang, directed by Canadian filmmaker Bruce LaBruce, follows the various sexual and violent escapades of several skinheads. The film raised a great amount of controversy when it premiered in 1999,... 查看详情
类型: 惊悚,剧情,
导演: Donald Sturrock
主演: Claudio Arrau,Wilhelm Backhaus,Annie Fischer,Edwin Fischer
简介:The Art of the Piano is a feature-length, 106-minute documentary that presents in refreshingly straightforward fashion a portrait of 20th-century piano playing. The format is simple: short segments on... 查看详情
类型: 喜剧,剧情,
导演: 奥塔·伊奥谢利阿尼
主演: Nico Tarielashvili,Lily Lavina,菲力普·巴斯,Stephanie Hainque
简介:一个生长在庄园古堡、富裕家庭的20岁少爷尼可(Nico Tarielashvili饰),家族拥有私人小岛,出门飞机、汽艇代步。母亲是商场女强人,父亲则个是无所事事的酒鬼,尼可抗拒对传统富有家庭的束缚,每天清晨穿著整齐,开船出门;靠岸后却更换衣服做零工,并与穷人为伍,清道夫、扒手、乞丐、游民或市井小民都是他结交的朋友,自得其乐,直到日落时分才回家休息。 尼可那不经意的穿著,让他在工作场合里虽有漂亮的... 查看详情