简介:The decision taken by the hospitals council board of early releasing the neurotics and depressed, throw Mona 36 and Cathy 30 in the real world., a world which cannot offer them any place to live excep...
简介:International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques archiveACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Computer animation festivalMichael Theodore s Color Dream no.246 is as pure a piece of abstract ani...
简介:邻居家的狗彻夜吵个不停;咖啡壶爆炸了;朋友抛弃了你……而这时,你唯一的想法可能就是:我最好呆在家里睡觉。在影片《朝夕之间》(Du jour au lendemain)中,这些倒霉事成了主人公弗朗索瓦(贝诺特·波尔沃尔德饰)日常生活的一部分。 然而,一个整日辗转于妻子和情妇之间的男人,又怎么会没有麻烦呢?比利时演员贝诺特-波尔沃尔德曾领衔主演法国票房佳片《领奖台》。本片由法国影星菲利普-勒-吉担纲导...